Saturday 9/11/10 was ' Paint Bangor Day". A very busy day was on my agenda. Starting off at 8am I hurried down to the Masonic Hall to register. I decided to paint downtown Bangor and headed for the 4 corners of Hammond St. and Main St. I set up my easel in front of the Grasshopper shop and began my painting of Giacomo's Cafe. After a few technical problems, wind, I managed to begin painting. After about an hour the wind picked up, the weather turned chilly and I was struggling to stay warm. A large gust of wind knocked my painting off and it landed on the front of me....not to worry I quickly adjusted the effected area on the painting as well as me. A few minutes later another gust blew the canvas and it landed on my palette...another quick adjustment and I was back feeling better about painting Plein Air. I secured the easel and locked the canvas in place and finished the painting without any more mishaps. Looking like I fell into a paint bucket I packed up my painting and headed out to the Bangor City Forest. I was running out of time so I quickly parked my car, ( the crowded lot should have been an indication of the amount of people there) grabbed my pastels and ran down the very crowded path. I had planned on going to the Bog however time was running short so I pulled off the path and set up my easel. The wind had died down and the sun had warmed things up so the experience was much more comfortable. The steady stream of hikers, walkers, and bikers was very surprising to me. I thought I had discovered a sanctuary in which to paint and I guess it was a sanctuary but a very busy one. I think I will return to paint again there and I will definitely participate in the Paint Bangor Day again.
After the artist turned in all their paintings there was a viewing and an auction that evening.
See paintings results below.
Giacomo's Cafe SOLD |
Bangor City Forest late afternoon
Pastel 5X7
$125 |
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